Protect your Rights, CPS is full of corruption.

Don’t wait until it’s too late get an attorney exercise your rights.

Never doubt that Ohio’s Child Protective Service agencies, CPS, will lie to you, lie to the magistrate/judge, and recieve bonuses based on how many children they can place into the states foster care system.

If CPS gets involved with your family know your rights! You have the right to have an attorney present, you have the 4th amendment right against warrantless searches of your property, You do not have to sign any releases of information and the court cannot compell you to waive your rights and that’s exactly what a release (waiver) is including any and all medical information as it is protected by your 4th amendment!

CPS case workers will and do lie to the court without fear of prosecution or perjury charges, they truly believe they are above the law and will get away with what you let them.

However if an attorney is present during any Child Protective Services interviews or court ordered home visits (protective supervision) it become incredibly difficult for them to get away with lying, because then it is their word vs your word, your cameras word, and your attorneys word!

Here are links to different legal aids/directories to help you with dealing with such an unconstitutional agency, of course everybody wants to protect the children but those who cry the loudest and operate outside of law under the color of law will and do abuse power for profit and personal vendettas.

(This site is a little dated but it still has alot of relevant information)

(Find ohio attorneys that deal with CPS cases)

(Paid for service the networked attorneys are sometimes less than ideal but they offer an emergency on call phone attorney specifically for CPS last time I checked.)

Ohio CPS Worker Manual